Modules & procedure

What do the input fields mean?

Price = gross price of the module

Unit = How the price of the module is calculated

Price per person = price is multiplied by the number of persons

Total price = price is not multiplied by the number of persons

Quantity = factor that is applied to the price entered

How are module prices calculated?

Modules can be defined on a daily basis.

Module prices are calculated in a combination of price, unit and quantity. If, for example, a dinner is to be offered, the unit price per person is entered first. The calculation basis is stated as “per person”. The unit price is multiplied by the number of people in the request. This price is multiplied by the “Quantity” entry. Quantity here is the total number of dinners.

If “Total price” is selected as the calculation, the price is not multiplied by the number of guests. This is suitable for items that are calculated independently of the number of persons. For example, the rental of a projector.

Customize and add modules

You can customize the module title and description simply by clicking on them and entering your own text. The pre-selected modules are stored in your location profile and are selected by the customer. Use the check mark to specify whether you want to offer this module. 

You can use the “Copy another tag” button to copy your building blocks from another tag and submit the offer more quickly.

Gross or net prices?

Always enter gross prices (incl. taxes) and define the appropriate tax rate. This is used to calculate a net price, which is displayed to the customer in addition to the gross price.

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