Hotel sales: Writing conference offers that convert

18 coworking agaete 0036

For a long time, we have been dealing with the topic of what a truly individual offer looks like or how to write successful offers in the first place. Whether start-ups, established companies or visionaries – the message must be clear and we want to offer efficient ways. We have some valuable tips for you […]

Marketing a conference hotel and increasing conference turnover

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Do you have an innovative conference hotel or hotel with conference rooms and would like to market it more effectively in order to increase conference sales, but don’t know where to start? In this article, we show you how you can market your conference hotel to attract the right groups and better manage and allocate […]

Marketing your own vacation home – 5 strategies & tips

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You have a beautiful vacation home and would like to market it, but don’t know where to start? In this article, we show you how you can market your vacation home and thus keep it fully booked even in the low season. We also concentrate on marketing to business target groups. How do I market […]

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