Planning a team workation abroad: the perfect mix of work and adventure

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Tired of being stuck in the dreary office routine and want to send your team on an unforgettable journey? A team workation abroad offers the ideal opportunity to strengthen the sense of togetherness, provide new impetus and create shared experiences. Distance from operational business allows you to develop creative solutions and improve your team dynamics. […]

Team event ideas – 5 creative ideas that bring the team together


Emotional team event ideas are particularly popular Every now and then we need some sun and the mountains to recharge our batteries and make sure we work more productively as a team. One thing is clear: the team should be able to work independently in this space and find sufficient room for relaxation and inspiration.  […]

Get out of the office – how to come up with new ideas

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Get out of the office to come up with new ideas – is there really anything to it? How we come up withnew ideas   is still one of the most exciting questions, especially in the creative sector.  In this article, we want to take a fresh look at an old question – and answer it […]

Strategic teamwork: team offsites as an innovation and motivation boost

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Team Offsites: Strategic work as an innovation boost Team offsites are becoming increasingly popular as a way of distancing yourself from your day-to-day business. Out with the team, into an inspiring new environment. This promises the necessary calm, innovation, creativity and sustainable motivation.  But for which occasions exactly are team offsites best suited? TEAM EVENT […]

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